Tuesday, September 19, 2006

just realise

*Alexia* - DD & BB.. 說:
well.. get some money for that..
the boss is also offering a job to work in uk after i graduate.. muahahahahaha

mw- 馬的!!台灣又天亮了!!!謝謝max協長-快變神經質~連msn的忙碌都讓我好緊張!msn不要再用"忙碌"!! 說:
mm.....good to hear that

*Alexia* - DD & BB.. 說:
well.. its kind of important.. thats why i went down this weekend
how are u btw?

mw- 馬的!!台灣又天亮了!!!謝謝max協長-快變神經質~連msn的忙碌都讓我好緊張!msn不要再用"忙碌"!! 說:

no good
not really good
*Alexia* - DD & BB.. 說:
why? what happened?

mw- 馬的!!台灣又天亮了!!!謝謝max協長-快變神經質~連msn的忙碌都讓我好緊張!msn不要再用"忙碌"!! 說:

feel like idiot why im here for this fucking programme
trying to lie myself
at least ive tried
things like this

*Alexia* - DD & BB.. 說:

um... um...
take care neh.. maybe all u need to do is just relax for a day and dont think abt anything related to work for a while

mw- 馬的!!台灣又天亮了!!!謝謝max協長-快變神經質~連msn的忙碌都讓我好緊張!msn不要再用"忙碌"!! 說:

just realise ive never been being happy once i enrolled this programme
now i realise why i ve never been happy
coz i never understand and control anything about this course
apart from that essay which at least i could write it
its shame

*Alexia* - DD & BB.. 說:


mw- 馬的!!台灣又天亮了!!!謝謝max協長-快變神經質~連msn的忙碌都讓我好緊張!msn不要再用"忙碌"!!我終於知道為什麼我不喜歡這個碩士課程了 說:

would like to thank you
coz while im talking to you now i just realise the "truth"

*Alexia* - DD & BB.. 說:

dont know what to say though.. cos it was u who chose this course, maybe its not the time to realise you dont like the course.. im sure there must be some parts of this course u enjoyed..

mw- 馬的!!台灣又天亮了!!!謝謝max協長-快變神經質~連msn的忙碌都讓我好緊張!msn不要再用"忙碌"!!我終於知道為什麼我不喜歡這個碩士課程了 說:

you could say so
i agree..really enjoy part of the course

*Alexia* - DD & BB.. 說:

see.. its not that bad..

*Alexia* - DD & BB.. 說:

i know its always easy to say, difficult to do.. but be strong.. im sure u'll be just fine
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